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The Meet and Code Inspiration Library

Coding resources and content for your event

You want to organise a coding event as part of Meet and Code? Or, you have participated at a Meet and Code event and want to learn more on IT and programming?

You can find useful resources, presentations, tool kits and links for the different stages of learning - from beginner to advanced at the Meet and Code Inspiration Library.

Haus des Stiftens accepts no liability for the content provided by third parties.

Participate in the Europe-wide teacher-student competition organised by Science on Stage
Unleash your students' musical creativity with the Music Lab tutorial, combining the joy of music with the principles of coding
Coding, robotics, AI, and digital skills for school students. Online curriculum programmes and workshops available.
Find the perfect fit for your learning environment: Free courses, tutorials, and more designed for all ages and experience levels.
Computing resources for primary and secondary students in a context of sustainability and environmental events.
Understanding the leadership roles available to women in computer science are crucial building blocks for creating a more equitable workforce.
Great interactive resource for teaching children to code
Coding resources for women and girls at every stage of their career, from babies to professionals!
CodeDoor empowers non-profits with the skills and content they need to educate their beneficiaries and students to become excellent coders.
openSAP offers innovative learning for everyone. It’s free, expert-led, and made for you by SAP.
Get inspired by the community page of the SAP Young Thinkers.
Codecademy is an interactive internet platform that offers free programming lessons for many programming languages.
E-learning website for web development and web design tutorials and assistance.
Fun tools to introduce newcomers to programming.
An online tool that brings technology & professional perspectives to the classroom.
Snap!, a extended reimplementation of Scratch that is a visual drag-and-drop programming language.
A broad variety of different online courses, lectures and readings that can help with a degree.
These guides are built to provide tools and a community for women to understand technology and how to build their ideas
MakeCode brings computer science to life for all students.
Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and Xbox via a simple visual programming language
Offers practical exercises, video tutorials and a personalized learning dashboard that allows users to learn at their own pace.
MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - offer one of the most innovative forms of learning:
CS First is a series of free computer science courses where you can easily learn the concepts of programming and computer science.
edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider
Alice teaches programming.
JavaScript online course with interactive exercises
Are you considering participating in EU Code Week but you don’t know where to start?
The website ofers courses to train your computational thinking skills.

Know of any valuable resources we did not list here? Share them with us and the Meet and Code Community! Just send us a short email to Enclude.

You have good resources and content from your last coding event and want others to learn and benefit from it? You want us to share it in the Meet and Code Inspiration Library? Please contact us and send us:

  1. the resources you want to share in one document
  2. Some information about your content including a title, a short description, the target group of your content and the level of difficulty.

Thank you for supporting the Meet and Code Community and sharing your idea!