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Welcome a New European Partner!

Let’s welcome Germany‘s Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI), who is the new partner and friend of the Meet and Code project!

#meetandcode #BMI #EUPresidency

As we informed you a couple of weeks ago, Meet and Code grows bigger and bigger and in 2020 our coding family equaled 35 countries. We can share the joy of coding and empower a generation in 10 new countries thanks to the help of the program’s newly appointed partner, Germany‘s Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI).

Today, on 1 July 2020, Germany assumes the presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU). In other words, from July to December 2020, Germany will chair the meetings of the EU Council and will be responsible for progressing EU legislation. 
Code for Europe

Among the BMI goals for 2020, there is digital transformation and fostering a strong European society. This is why their presence is so valuable for Meet and Code. Common purpose and idea of working together to ensure the better, greener and wiser future for all the Europeans, using the power of technology. 

Consequently, this year we added a new category to Meet and Code Award - Code for Europe. Closely linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #17 Partnerships for the Goals, this category seeks to initiate cross border collaboration between companies and unite children of different backgrounds and locations through Meet and Code events. Events in this category include; safe and responsible online media use, looking at ways we can bring different nationality children & youth together, tackling disinformation and combating fake news, and creative solutions that deal with today’s digital  challenges across Europe.

„Citizens throughout Europe should be able to navigate the internet in safety,- and with self-determination. Acquiring digital skills from childhood on is a key factor in this regard. The BMI is therefore thrilled to be able support Meet and Code as part of the German EU Presidency 2020.“
Markus Richter, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology

Having this tremendous support by BMI, we believe that our mission to code for purpose and empower the youngest generation with digital skills will spread across the whole Europe, reaching more kids than ever before. 

Who is behind Meet and Code?
Behind Meet and Code are the founding partners SAP, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, TechSoup Europe with the respective country partners of the TechSoup Europe network. In 2020, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) joined as a European partner. Meet and Code 2020 is made possible through financial support of SAP and BMI, while Haus des Stiftens gGmbH is responsible for the initiative.

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