
Devoxx4Kids Days Netherlands

Stichting Devoxx4Kids Nederland

Descriere At D4K days we introduce/teach children in different ways the world of software development. This can be in Scratch, JavaScript, Java or Python.

We do this in 3 workshops that will rotate during the day (each workshop is 45 - 60 minutes). They will learn with robots or adruinos or just behind a laptop with codecombats.

Goal of the event is to introduce children in the world of software engineering. We hope to inspire them that they will choose a beta education when they are going to secundairy school.

Our event is special since we do this totally free for children. They will have a great fun day, learn something, make new friends and go home with a nice goodiebag that will inspire them also at home.

Since we exist 10 years this year, we will have multiple events in October 2024.


Vârste participanți 8 - 12

Grad dificultate

Format eveniment Eveniment offline

Dată 05.10.2024    10:00 - 16:00

Adresă Lutulistate 41, 6716NT, Ede
6716NT Ede

Numărul max. de participanți 60 Vrei să participi la eveniment? Ia legătura cu reprezentantul acestuia.

Participarea la eveniment este gratuită pentru participanţi.

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