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Meet and Code 2023 is here, but funding is still available

Calling all NPO champs, it's your time to shine!

#MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact

The time has come for Meet and Code events to begin. From September 1st to October 31st, our inspiring NPOs will host digital workshops for youth across Europe. We can’t wait to see how many young people will be impacted this year! 

As Europe's tech space is rapidly evolving, we know you have what it takes to ensure our youth are ready to lead the charge. You have the power to equip them with essential tools and tech know-how to thrive in today's competitive job market.

Now, *drumroll* please… If you are an NPO and haven’t submitted your event yet, there is still time! We have a grant initiative, tailor-made for NPOs who are committed to empowering young people with digital skills. But don’t delay! This is the last call to apply for grants of up to €500 to further your cause. Although our Meet and Code events are set to begin on September 1, you have until September 13 to apply.

Through this financial support programme, we invite you to be part of a collaborative community that recognises the transformative power of coding education. Remember—you're not just levelling up skills; you're creating a movement. Your voices are shaking things up with policymakers, governments, and industry leaders, pushing to give young people a VIP pass to greater accessibility and connectivity—ensuring that no one gets left behind.

Whether your NPO is introducing coding workshops to underserved communities, increasing digital literacy among marginalised youth, or crafting innovative platforms, your projects hold the power to transform young lives. Because it's not just about coding; it's about building a world that is more sustainable for all.

Feeling inspired? We can’t wait to see your creative ideas come to life! Our grant initiative isn't just about the funds; it's the rocket fuel for your vision. Pop over to https://meet-and-code.org/, hit that sign-up button, and let's turn some digital dreams into reality.

If you need a bit more help, have a look at our Inspiration Library here. You can also read more about the conditions of participation here.

This is your opportunity to step into the spotlight and leave a lasting mark on the youth you champion.

See you at Meet and Code 2023! 

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