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The combination of theater and robotics was an easy and funny approach to coding and technology for girls

Based upon a story in Stanislaw Lem's "Fables for Robots" Foerderverein der Grundschule am Koppenplatz from Berlin, Germany encouraged students aged 7–12 to design, build and program the characters (robots) of this story and present them in a video trailer.

“As a teacher I was fascinated to see how concentrated and confidently the children were working on both building and programming, in a way I couldn't have expected. The combination of fairy tale and robotics just worked great!"

The revolutionary idea to bring girls into technology and coding was to prepare a theater play with robots. The Meet and Code workshop was the perfect opportunity to start this project.

As a result, Foerderverein der Grundschule am Koppenplatz got 26 happy girls (not to mention their parents!), 4 happy workshop leaders and a good foundation for the theater idea. When they all watched the video together with the participants and their parents, the organisation decided to bring this workshop to other schools as well.

"Our daughter enjoyed the workshop very much. We are happy to see her newly developed interest in technology and we are aware that this excitement is encouraged by all of you”.  – said one of the participant’s parent.