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How to take Meet and Code online?

Learning together online is different from learning in real-time. However, if you can learn in real-time, you can learn digitally. This guide will tell you how!

#manual #meetandcode

Whether you’re online or offline, every project begins with an idea. These ideas guide our decisions about how to best achieve our goals. All the questions along the way:

  • Who do I create educational content for? 
  • What is the goal? 
  • How many people should be able to participate? 
  • What are the best formats, methods and tools? 
  • What resources do we have?
become even more important, especially with the restrictions and possibilities in digital
education. Since the pandemic has accelerated remote work and learning, we have an
opportunity to use this situation to utilize the full potential of digital tools.

In cooperation with Junge Tüftler, we created a guide with all the information you need to start your adventure with teaching online, called How to take Meet and Code online

With his guide, we want to encourage and enable European educators in the non-profit sector to get started or support engagement to create and implement impactful, sustainable and playful coding-online seminars, tailored to their target groups. Therefore, the following provides a practical overview over all aspects of online seminars including recommendations, tips and tricks, and information on further materials.

We start by diving right into the technical issues – there are decisions you’ll need to make
before your first online seminar takes place. Data security is closely connected, therefore we summarize its most important aspects. The journey continues with organizational aspects before, during and after your events. This is followed by some key didactics and methodical advice. Next, we present a small selection of coding tools that we’ve found helpful. Finally, we connect possible formats with the tools introduced in this manual.

We hope that the manual will be a significant benefactor during your coding time with Meet and Code and will help you settle in the virtual era.