Meet and Code connects thousands of people: representatives of nonprofit organizations, trainers, teachers, parents, Amazon and SAP employees, volunteers and of course - children and young adults. Although all events revolve around coding, each has its own unique flavor and approaches digital skills differently.
Here you can see thoughts, ideas and stories behind the events. Who knows? Maybe you will decide to join our Meet and Code Community!
Meet and Code is a Europe-wide initiative. See the impact we have already made.
Behind every event, it is the people that make it happen. Hear their stories and learn about their ideas for delivering a quality digital skills education.
Meet our outstanding coding ambassadors! They are the people that strive for a world where all young European citizens have digital skills to determine their own future.
If you organized a Meet and Code event and would like to tell your story, please download the guidelines BRING A STORY TO LIFE and write to us at!