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Meet the WINNERS of Meet and Code Awards 2019!

Meet and Code 2019 has come to an end. Let's meet the winners!

#award #winners

Lots of inspiring projects and progressive ideas were brought to life within the Meet and Code project. All of the finalists created award-worthy events, oriented on educating, developing and empowering a generation. Scheduled to take place in Budapest during the month of March, the annual Meet and Code Awards was hosted as a virtual event on May 12h 2020. As the world braces global curfews and regional lockdowns, the organizing team and partners have prioritized health and safety first.

Nevertheless, the jury has decided and we are happy to announce the winners in four categories of Meet and Code 2019!


Girls do IT!
This award category aims to help close the gender gap in IT and Coding. For this category, we seek creative events that break down gender stereotypes and empower girls in coding.

Moms Coding With Daughters (Belgium)
“STEM girls with families” by I will (Ukraine)
Robot fairytales by Foerderverein der Grundschule am Koppenplatz (Germany)

Robot fairytales by Foerderverein der Grundschule am Koppenplatz (Germany)

Commitment to diversity is critical to individual and organizational success, and by embracing different perspectives we are made stronger by our combination of culture, race, ethnicity, age, gender, and sexual orientation. In the Diversity category, we are looking for ideas that inspire children and young people for a world with equal opportunities.

Traffic Lights by Asociația Părinților Ioan Slavici Satu Mare (România)
Robotics offline and online by Adj Esélyt Alapítvány (Hungary)
Deaf coders' school by Regional Youth Organization of the Deaf "Our happy life" (Ukraine)

Robotics offline and online by Adj Esélyt Alapítvány (Hungary)

Code for the Planet
For this award category, we look for events that combine coding and actions for the planet, events that help drive awareness for climate change and contribute to SDG13

3D Coral Reef Design and Printing by Fundacja ArchitectsPL 3D (Poland)
Microcontrollers - Small computers with great significance for people and the environment by Foerderverein Gymnasium Am Roemerkastell e.V. (Germany)
AMyZONE by Qendra për edukim dhe (North Macedonia)

3D Coral Reef Design and Printing by Fundacja ArchitectsPL 3D (Poland)

Events of this category take local customs into consideration and think about community specific needs. These events should unite and foster cohesion among people and neighborhoods with similar interests and goals through the passion to meet and code!

Play Against Cyberbullying Workshop by ATL da Bolonha (Portugal)
San Rocco 3.0 - Discover Your Neighborhood by - Cooperativa Sociale Meta Onlus (Italy)
Give IT Back to Community by Asociația Give IT Back (Romania)

San Rocco 3.0 - Discover Your Neighborhood by Cooperativa Sociale Meta Onlus   (Italy)

An inspiration to us all, thank you for your hard work, support and devotion as we continue to empower our youth and ignite Europe with 21st century skills! 
Remember, Meet and Code 2020 registration starts on June 1st! 

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