
Devoxx4Kids Days Netherlands

Stichting Devoxx4Kids Nederland

Descripción At D4K days we introduce/teach children in different ways the world of software development. This can be in Scratch, JavaScript, Java or Python.

We do this in 3 workshops that will rotate during the day (each workshop is 45 - 60 minutes). They will learn with robots or adruinos or just behind a laptop with codecombats.

Goal of the event is to introduce children in the world of software engineering. We hope to inspire them that they will choose a beta education when they are going to secundairy school.

Our event is special since we do this totally free for children. They will have a great fun day, learn something, make new friends and go home with a nice goodiebag that will inspire them also at home.

Since we exist 10 years this year, we will have multiple events in October 2024.


Edad media del grupo 8 - 12


Tipo Evento offline

Fecha 05.10.2024    10:00 - 16:00

Dirección Lutulistate 41, 6716NT, Ede
6716NT Ede

Número máximo de participantes 60 ¿Quieres participar? Por favor, ponte en contacto con Techsoup Spain.

La participación en el evento es gratuita

Contacto Stichting Devoxx4Kids Nederland Website:
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