
Misiunea noastră

Susținem organizațiile nonprofit locale din Europa să faciliteze acces la oportunități de învățare de programare sau alte abilități digitale pentru următoarea generație de tineri europeni.


Publicat la data de 17.02.2025 Meet and Code Awards 2024: Honoring Europe’s Digital Education Champions After a whirlwind of creativity, coding, and game-changing ideas, we’re excited to spotlight the non-profit organizations (NPOs) across Europe that are breaking barriers and making tech accessible to young learners everywhere. #DigitalSkills4All #EmpoweringYouth #Coding
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Publicat la data de 23.01.2025 Meet the 2024 Meet and Code Awards Finalists This year’s Meet and Code Awards will recognize events hosted by non-profit organizations (NPOs) that have made digital education accessible to children from all backgrounds. #DigitalSkills4All #EmpoweringYouth #Coding
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Publicat la data de 20.12.2024 Meet and Code 2024: Un an cu impact În 2024, Meet and Code și-a continuat misiunea de a ajuta tinerii să deprindă abilități de programare și competențe digitale. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #EmpoweringYouth
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Meet and Code 2023

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Meet and Code 2022

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Anul trecut, Meet and Code a finanțat un total de 1000 evenimente organizate în Europa. Descoperă toate evenimentele cu ajutorul iconițelor albastre de pe hartă..

Povești și interviuri

În spatele fiecărui eveniment, oamenii sunt cei care îl fac să se întâmple. Ascultă-le poveștile și află despre ideile lor pentru a oferi o educație de calitate a competențelor digitale.

Green light to ideas! Model Your Dream City by SHARING EUROPE, ITALY "Model your Dream City" event by Sharing Europe, Italy, is Meet and Code 2021 Winner in the SDG-11 category: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
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No More Fairy Tales: Video Game Workshop, Rebel Narrative, and Coding for Girls SORORA E.V., a feminist nonprofit from Germany has won for the 2nd time in a row in the SDG-5: Girls Do IT category, in the Meet and Code Competition, 2021 edition.
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Capturing Bees with Micro-Controller by Lebenshilfe Ennstal from Austria, Winner of Code for the Planet Category in 2021 Get inspired by the story of Lebenshilfe Ennstal whose event raised awareness of an important environmental issue and our planet's greatest endangered treasure: the bees.
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