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Publicat la data de 20.12.2024 Meet and Code 2024: Un an cu impact În 2024, Meet and Code și-a continuat misiunea de a ajuta tinerii să deprindă abilități de programare și competențe digitale. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #EmpoweringYouth
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Publicat la data de 29.11.2024 Fă cunoștință cu juriul premiilor Meet and Code 2024 Odată cu încheierea perioadei de înscriere pentru premiile Meet and Code 2024, juriul va decide în curând ce evenimente vor câștiga un premiu de 3 000 EUR. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #DigitalImpact #Awards
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Publicat la data de 27.09.2024 Participă la Meet and Code Awards 2024 - Înscrierile sunt deschise Ținând cont că înscrierile pentru finanțarea evenimentelor prin Meet and Code s-au încheiat, dorim să transmitem mulțumiri tuturor organizațiilor non-profit care au propus evenimente de tehnologie și programare în acest an. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #DigitalImpact #Awards
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Publicat la data de 10.09.2024 Participants Share Their Experiences at Meet and Code Events Meet and Code 2024 is off to an exciting start! With over 100 events already held and many more on the horizon, these workshops—hosted by non-profit organizations (NPOs) across 13 European countries—are making a significant impact. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #EmpoweringYouth
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Publicat la data de 12.08.2024 Digital Skills: The passport to careers of the future, according to youth Today, we’re celebrating the United Nations' International Youth Day, which happens every year on August 12th. It’s a day to spotlight youth issues globally and celebrate the awesome potential of young people. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #EmpoweringYouth
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Publicat la data de 10.07.2024 Future-Proofing Youth: Essential Skills for Careers of Tomorrow World Youth Skills Day, celebrated on July 15th, is a special day for us at Meet and Code as it embodies everything we stand for. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #WorldYouthSkillsDay
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Publicat la data de 17.06.2024 Meet and Code 2024 Events Start Today The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here. Today, June 17th, marks the start of Meet and Code 2024 events – let the digital fun commence! #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 03.06.2024 Get Ready to Spark a Digital Skills Frenzy: Meet and Code 2024 Events Kick Off June 17th Calling all Meet and Code organizers! It's almost time to open the digital doors (or maybe draw the virtual curtains?) for Meet and Code 2024. Mark your calendars for June 17th, because that's when the coding fun begins. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 22.05.2024 Încep înscrierile la Meet and Code 2024! În atenția tuturor pasionaților de tehnologie, cadrelor didactice și persoanelor creative: Meet and Code 2024 este on și ne pregătim pentru o nouă ediție cu evenimente de tehnologie și programare pentru tinerii din Europa. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #DigitalImpact #EmpoweringYouth
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Publicat la data de 03.05.2024 Meet and Code 2024: Unleash Youths’ Coding Potential with Free Resources Calling all tech educators and nonprofit organizations (NPOs)! Gear up for Meet and Code 2024, Europe's favorite program igniting a passion for technology in children and young people. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 02.04.2024 Inspire the Next Generation: Tech education & career resources for your Meet and Code events Are you a non-profit organization (NPO), teacher, educator, or workshop organizer looking for exciting resources to use for your Meet and Code event, in your classroom or for other educational activities? #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 09.02.2024 Shaping Tomorrow's Innovators Through Girls' Tech Education In the dynamic world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers, a substantial gender gap persists in the EU. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 22.01.2024 New year, new Meet and Code This year, Meet and Code has some big changes in store. In this blog, we will unpack what you can expect and give you a rundown of the highlights from 2023. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 14.12.2023 Meet and Code Smashes Records in 2023 This year, Meet and Code continued its legacy of fostering inclusivity, empowering communities, and transforming lives. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 27.11.2023 Bots and Beyond: Meet and Code 2023 unwrapped The 2023 Meet and Code edition has drawn to a close, and we're beaming with pride over the fantastic events hosted by our dedicated non-profits. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 04.10.2023 Join Us for An Exciting EU Code Week Webinar Calling all NPOs, educators, and aspiring coders! #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact #CodeEU
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Publicat la data de 29.08.2023 Meet and Code 2023 is here, but funding is still available Calling all NPO champs, it's your time to shine! #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 11.08.2023 Digital Skills Can Empower Young People to Take Part in Europe’s Green Tech Revolution International Youth Day, a globally recognized observance on August 12th each year, is a United Nations (UN) initiative that aims to raise awareness about the challenges and opportunities encountered by young people worldwide. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 14.07.2023 Empowering Youth with Digital Skills: Insights from Meet and Code Ambassador, Jamie Holroyde Discover the inspiring journey of this year’s Meet and Code Ambassador, as he empowers youth with digital skills and shares valuable insights on bridging the digital skills gap. #WorldYouthSkillsDay #MeetandCode #amazonfutureengineer #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 13.07.2023 Asociația Techsoup: Doi din trei români nu au competențe digitale de bază. Asociația sprijină ONG-ur Asociația Techsoup sprijină ONG-urile din România și Republica Moldova să desfășoare activități de programare și pentru dezvoltarea de alte abilități digitale ale copiilor și tinerilor prin cea de de-a VII-a ediție a programului "Meet and Code". #MeetandCode #AsociatiaTechsoup #amazonfutureengineer #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 19.06.2023 Explore Free Webinars + Training Sessions for NPOs Calling all European NPOs: Learn, create, and empower with Meet and Code's webinars and Train the Trainer Sessions #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 13.06.2023 On Your Marks, Get Set, Meet and Code! We’re excited to announce that Europe’s biggest youth digital skills initiative is back! #MeetandCode #amazonfutureengineer #SAP4Good #DigitalSkills4All #collectiveimpact
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Publicat la data de 02.06.2023 The Countdown to Meet and Code 2023 Begins Calling all non-profit organizations (NPOs): Meet and Code 2023 is nearly here!   Is your goal to improve digital skills among Europe’s youth? #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 19.05.2023 5 Minutes with SAP’s Claire Gillissen-Duval Meet Claire Gillissen-Duval, Senior Director for SAP EMEA and MEE Corporate Social Responsibility and SAP Global Lead for Meet and Code. #MeetandCode #SAP4Good #DigitalSkills4All #Collectiveimpact #QandA
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Publicat la data de 26.04.2023 Amazon & SAP join hands to level-up Meet and Code Amazon joins Meet and Code as a major donor to make coding and digital skills accessible to underserved youth across Europe. #MeetandCode #amazonfutureengineer #SAP4Good #DigitalSkills4All #collectiveimpact
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Publicat la data de 17.03.2023 NGOs reflect on Meet and Code Support 2022 As we wrap up the 2022 edition of Meet and Code and gear up for 2023, we’re reflecting on some of the great workshops our NPOs hosted across Europe and sharing their top tips. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills4All #EuropeNGOs
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Publicat la data de 24.02.2023 Paying Tribute to Young Coders and NPO in Ukraine Meet and Code pays tribute to the resilient coders in Ukraine, young and old, who continued to advance digital skills in the face of adversity. #StandWithUkarine #Ukraine #DigitalSkills
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Publicat la data de 17.01.2023 Meet our new superstar: Jamie Holroyde The 2022 ambassador search results are in! We’re proud to announce 17-year-old Jamie Holroyde from Aberdeenshire in Scotland as our second Meet and Code superstar winner. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #MeetAndCodeSuperstar
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Publicat la data de 12.12.2022 Meet and Code 2022 continues to reach new heights From Ukraine to Spain, Meet and Code continues to empower young people from different paths of life with the necessary digital skills for the future. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #ImpactReport
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Publicat la data de 21.10.2022 Unlocking the future through quality education Future jobs will require future skills. Now is the right time to support young people in preparing for the future. #MeetandCode #Amazon #DigitalSkills #BridgingTheGap
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Publicat la data de 05.10.2022 The Life of being a Coding Superstar: This could be you too! The Ambassador Search for Meet and Code has returned bigger and better. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact #Coding #SuperStar #Ambassador
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Publicat la data de 08.09.2022 Meet and Code welcomes Amazon to the 2022 edition Amazon extends Meet and Code partnership to reach more youth across Europe. #MeetandCode #Amazon #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 01.09.2022 Meet and Code 2022 is here! The time has come for Meet Code events to begin. From September 1st to October 31st, our inspiring NPOs will host digital workshops for youth across Europe. #meetandcode #codeEU
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Publicat la data de 15.08.2022 Attention NPOs: Meet and Code tips to get started Two weeks to go until the 2022 Meet and Code events kick-off! We’ve got inspiration and funds available for NPOs wanting to take part. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 15.07.2022 We’re on the Lookout for our next coding superstar Ready, set, go! We’re celebrating World Youth Skills Day on 15 July by kicking off our 2022 Meet and Code Superstar search competition. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 07.06.2022 Meet and Code is back for the 6th year Do you need a grant for your Meet and Code event? Now is the time to apply. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 18.05.2022 Celebrating the European Year of Youth: Part Two The aim of the European Year of Youth is to shine a light on the role that our future leaders play when it comes to building a better future. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 28.04.2022 Introducing the Meet and Code 2021 Winners 2021 was a milestone year for us as we celebrated our 5th year of igniting the passion of young Europeans to develop their digital skills which are vital for their future. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 21.04.2022 Meet and Code Awards Ceremony Join us for the live Meet and Code Awards Ceremony on April 28, 14:30 #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 19.04.2022 Celebrating the European Year of Youth 2022 has been dubbed the ‘European Year of Youth’ and at Meet and Code, we can’t think of a better theme. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 15.03.2022 Here are our Meet and Code Awards 2021 finalists Drum roll please…. we’re proud to announce the finalists of the Meet and Code Awards for 2021. #meetandcode #awards #digitalskills #CodeEU
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Publicat la data de 28.02.2022 Stand With Ukraine We stand in solidarity with Ukraine's citizens and civil society members. #Ukraine #TechForGood #GlobaTech
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Publicat la data de 15.02.2022 Q & A with BMI's Eileen Fuchs Eileen Fuchs, Head of Unit of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community and Member of the Meet and Code Jury 2021, reflects on five years of Meet and Code impact. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 27.01.2022 Meet our first superstar: Stefania Spachou The results are in! We’re proud to announce our first-ever Meet and Code superstar winner, 16-year-old Stefania Spachou from Trikala, Greece. #eLearning #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills
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Publicat la data de 14.12.2021 Meet and Code continues to unleash digital skills After another year navigating the pandemic, we are delighted that Europe’s biggest digital skills program, Meet and Code, continued to grow in popularity. #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #DigitalImpact
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Publicat la data de 01.11.2021 Enter the Meet and Code Awards 2021 Enter the Meet and Code Awards and Stand a Chance to Win Congratulations to all the NPOs who completed their Meet and Code events. #eLearning #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills #Awards
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Publicat la data de 20.10.2021 Join our expert speakers at the Smart Country Con Are you passionate about innovation, digitization and transformation? Smart Country Convention
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Publicat la data de 13.10.2021 Q & A with Code Week's, Annika Östergren Pofantis Annika Östergren Pofantis shares her thoughts on the last 5 years of Meet and Code and the role the digital skills program plays in amplifying the EU Code Week message. #MeetandCode #EUCodeWeek #DigitalSkills
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Publicat la data de 11.10.2021 Code offers great opportunities for girls Calling all girls! Ever considered getting into code? Here’s why you should. #MeetAndCode #DayOfTheGirl
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Publicat la data de 06.10.2021 Meet and Code Online Seminars in October Meet and Code’s Online Seminars continue: Find out what we have in store #meetandcode2021 #capacitybuilding
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Publicat la data de 27.09.2021 2021 registration: 1,991 applications! We are pleased to announce that this year nonprofits from 35 European countries received 1,461 grants for coding events! #registration #evaluation
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Publicat la data de 21.09.2021 Q&A with SAP’s Gabriele Hartmann #DidYouKnow Europe’s biggest youth digital skills program has been making a difference in the lives of youth through empowering digital knowledge for five years? #MeetandCode #SAP #QandA
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Publicat la data de 07.09.2021 What are the advantages of e-learning? We called on a few non-profit organizations from Romania, Poland, Spain, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Italy and Germany to share their insights on e-learning. #eLearning #MeetandCode #DigitalSkills
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Publicat la data de 01.09.2021 Meet and Code starts now! It is time to begin Meet and Code 2021! This year’s edition will take place between September 1st and October 31st with online events in 35 European countries. #meetandcode #SAP #BMI #codeEU
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Publicat la data de 13.08.2021 Meet and Code Awards 2021 New and improved Meet and Code Awards application process #meetandcode #meetandcodeawards
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Publicat la data de 03.08.2021 How to take Meet and Code online? Learning together online is different from learning in real-time. However, if you can learn in real-time, you can learn digitally. This guide will tell you how! #manual #meetandcode
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Publicat la data de 02.08.2021 Q&A with Haus des Stiftens gGmbH's Clemens Frede Our Meet and Code Partner, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, Celebrates Five Years of Meet and Code Impact. #meetandcode #blogstory #codeEU
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Publicat la data de 27.07.2021 Are you Meet and Code’s next superstar? Do you love code? Are you ready to be a mover and shaker in today’s exciting digital world? Then perhaps you’re Meet and Code’s next ambassador. #meetandcode #ambassadorsearch
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Publicat la data de 23.07.2021 Meet and Code's 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions in August Level Up with Meet and Code’s 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions #meetandcode2021 #capacitybuilding
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Publicat la data de 19.07.2021 Q&A with TechSoup Europe’s Anna Sienicka To celebrate the 2021 launch of Meet and Code, TechSoup’s Vice President, Anna Sienicka, shares some of her favourite highlights and moments from over the years. #meetandcode #purposetalks
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Publicat la data de 09.07.2021 Meet and Code Online Seminars in July Be Inspired with Meet and Code’s Innovative Online Seminars this July #meetandcode2021 #onlineseminars
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Publicat la data de 22.06.2021 The next Meet and Code Purpose Talk is coming up! Join our next inspirational speaker and learn about Snap! and what this visual programming language has to offer. #meetandcode #purposetalks
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Publicat la data de 15.06.2021 Learn how to communicate and promote your workshop Calling all NPOs who will be hosting digital workshops as part of Meet and Code 2021! #onlineseminars #meetandcode
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Publicat la data de 01.06.2021 Meet and Code 2021 begins! Your ideas can change the world. Join Meet and Code and become part of this change. Apply now! #meetandcode #meetandcode2021
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Publicat la data de 13.05.2021 Celebrating Five Years of Coding Impact Now in its fifth year, Meet and Code 2021 returns! Registrations officially open 1 June for local non-profits to submit their coding event concepts. #meetandcode2021 #codeEU
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Publicat la data de 12.05.2021 Introducing Meet and Code’s Online Seminars Are you looking for a dash of inspiration to add to your creative workshop formulae? Then look no further, Meet and Code has the answer. #onlineseminars #meetandcode2021
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Publicat la data de 06.05.2021 Meet and Code 2021 is just around the corner! Your ideas can change the world. Get ready for the new edition and code for good with us! #meetandcode2021
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Publicat la data de 15.04.2021 Profil de organizator: Daniela Lungoci Vă invităm să descoperiți evenimentul online Meet and Code 2020 "Micro:bit - spaima roboților" și coordonatoarea acestuia, doamna profesoară Daniela Lungoci. #meetandcode #AsociatiaTechsoup #SAP4Good #codeEU
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Publicat la data de 13.04.2021 Be inspired: the MAC Purpose Talks are here! Meet and Code is excited to announce the launch of the Meet and Code Purpose Talks! Get to know more about the series below! #meetandcode #purposetalks
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Publicat la data de 17.03.2021 Meet the winners of the Meet And Code Awards 2020! After reviewing hundreds of amazing and progressive initiatives, our jury selected the winners during the virtual Award Ceremony on Tuesday (March 16th, 2021) #meetandcodeaward #meetandcodeaward2020
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Publicat la data de 04.03.2021 Haus des Stiftens: Committed to Committed People Get to know the founding partner of Meet and Code - Haus des Stiftens! #hds #hausdesstiftens
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Publicat la data de 18.01.2021 Meet the finalists of Meet and Code Award 2020! The finalists of Meet and Code Award 2020 are here! Meet the lucky 15! #meetandcode #award
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Publicat la data de 25.11.2020 How Meet and Code 2020 looked like? Meet and Code 2020 has come to an end and we couldn't be more proud of you! #meetandcode #meetandcode2020
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Publicat la data de 03.11.2020 The End of Meet and Code 2020! It were amazing two months, full of coding and incredible events! #meetandcode
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Publicat la data de 23.09.2020 Thank you for your participation in Meet and Code! We are extremely excited and grateful that so many of you want to share your knowledge and experience with coding with children. #meetandcode #award #grants
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Publicat la data de 18.09.2020 8 TIPS ON CYBER SECURITY DURING AN ONLINE EVENT Nowadays, most of us use the Internet as a primary tool to organize events that usually took place in real time. Moving to the digital world was not an easy task. #meetandcode #webinar #security
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Publicat la data de 14.09.2020 Cyber Security During An Online Event Learn how to simply improve the safety of your online meetings during this webinar! #online #seminar #webinar #cybersecurity
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Publicat la data de 09.09.2020 Extended registration deadline for MAC 2020 Creating and conducting an event is hard and time-consuming in itself. But getting used to the new virtual reality might make it even more demanding. #meetandcode #grants
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Publicat la data de 03.09.2020 Meet and Code 2020 Has Kicked Off! On Tuesday, September 1st, we officially kicked-off Meet and Code 2020 and began 2 months of coding! #meetandcode #BMI #EUPresidency #KickOff
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Publicat la data de 21.08.2020 Kick-Off Event Meet and Code: Save the date! On September 1st, our Kick-Off Event “Meet And Code” 2020 will begin two months of coding! #meetandcode #BMI #EUPresidency
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Publicat la data de 20.08.2020 Online seminar: From Offline to Online #3 We know that educating virtually can be tricky at first, thus this year we come with a set of materials to help you settle in the online reality. #online #seminar
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Publicat la data de 06.08.2020 Learn more about Meet and Code Award categories! Remember, by applying for our grants you can also participate in Meet and Code Award in 5 different categories and win €2000! Find out more about them! #meetandcode #award
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Publicat la data de 31.07.2020 Online seminar: From Offline to Online We know that educating virtually can be tricky at first, thus this year we come with a set of materials to help you settle in the online reality. #online #seminar
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Publicat la data de 27.07.2020 EU Code Week: Beginners Guide If you’re looking for free resources on coding and computational thinking, visit the Code Week website where you can find plenty of free projects, lesson plans and tutorials. #codeweek #eucodeweek
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Publicat la data de 17.07.2020 Does your event need an SAP helping hand? As part of Meet and Code’s exciting line-up for 2020, SAP Corporate Volunteering will now be introduced to four pilot countries. Here’s a few reasons why you should try it! #SAP #meetandcode #corporatevolunteering
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Publicat la data de 06.07.2020 Technology for Good If you are planning your online coding event, you need safe and trusted technology tools. TechSoup provides technical support and technological tools to other nonprofits. #meetandcode #tech4good #digitaltransformation
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Publicat la data de 01.07.2020 Welcome a New European Partner! Let’s welcome Germany‘s Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI), who is the new partner and friend of the Meet and Code project! #meetandcode #BMI #EUPresidency
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Publicat la data de 29.06.2020 About #SAP4Good At SAP, we believe in the power of business to solve social issues and trigger systemic change with technology and innovation. #meetandcode #SAP
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Publicat la data de 16.06.2020 TechSoup Europe Short Guide About Making Webinars Creating a webinar is not rocket science but it does require preparation. If you want to learn how to carry out a successful webinar, watch the video made by TechSoup Europe! #techsoupeurope #webinar
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Publicat la data de 08.06.2020 Meet and Code Welcomes 11 New Countries! This year's edition of Meet and Code will be not only virtual, but also bigger than ever before! #meetandcode #SAP
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Publicat la data de 01.06.2020 Meet and Code 2020 Returns, Virtually! Your ideas can change the world. Join Meet and Code and become part of this change. Apply now! #meetandcode #SAP
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Publicat la data de 13.05.2020 Winners of the Meet and Code Awards 2019 Europe’s Digital Change-Makers Recognized at the first virtual Meet and Code Award Ceremony #Award Ceremony #Winners #Award
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Publicat la data de 12.05.2020 Meet the WINNERS of Meet and Code Awards 2019! Meet and Code 2019 has come to an end. Let's meet the winners! #award #winners
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Publicat la data de 27.04.2020 Meet and Code Shifts to Virtual Times are changing, and so is Meet and Code. For this year’s series of events we are excited to announce that Meet and Code will completely transition to online. #meetandcode #SAP
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Publicat la data de 16.12.2019 Profil de organizator: Carmen Stanciu Să o cunoaștem pe doamna Carmen Stanciu, învățător la Școala Gimnazială “Învățător Radu Ion” Vadu-Parului, Prahova și organizatoarea unui eveniment Meet and Code 2019! #meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good #AsociatiaTechsoup
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Publicat la data de 14.12.2019 2 organizații din România finaliste Meet and Code Traffic Lights și Give IT back to Community, două evenimente Meet and Code din România, sunt finaliste în Competiția Internațională Meet and Code 2019. #meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good #AsociatiaTechsoup
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Publicat la data de 09.12.2019 Finalists of Meet and Code Award 2019 The Jury selected 12 exceptional events whose organisers llustrated how tech can improve lives #meetandcode #SAP #Awards
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Publicat la data de 25.11.2019 Meet and Code Impact 2019 This year, in cooperation with the University of Mannheim we were able to measure the impact of our initiative on participants and organisations. #meetandcode
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Publicat la data de 06.11.2019 More than 56,000 participants across Europe! 21,5 percent of Meet & Code participants learn to program for the first time with an ambitious 77 percent of students requesting to learn more. #meetandcode #SAP
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Publicat la data de 21.10.2019 You are amazing! We would like to thank all Meet and Code events’ organizers for your creativity and engagement! YOU ROCK! #meetandcode #SAP
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Publicat la data de 04.10.2019 Kick-Off for Meet and Code 2019 October 5, Code Week starts - two weeks celebration of creativity, problem-solving and collaboration through programming and other tech activities. Join Meet and Code events! #Code Week
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Publicat la data de 18.09.2019 Evenimentele finanțate prin Meet and Code 2019 90 de evenimente de programare și tehnologie din România au primit finanțare prin inițiativa europeană Meet and Code și se vor desfășura în cadrul Europe Code Week. #meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good #AsociatiaTechsoup
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Publicat la data de 16.09.2019 Public Choice Award September 16 – October 20, each of 1200 Meet and Code events can be voted for and win the Public Choice Award and 2000 euro prize. #meetandcode #SAP #award
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Publicat la data de 09.09.2019 Registration Closed: More Than 2,000 Applications! We are happy to announce that nonprofits from 25 European countries registered more than 2,000 event ideas promoting coding and digital skills! #registration #evaluation
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Publicat la data de 02.09.2019 Profil de organizator: Adelina Venter Să o cunoaștem pe Adelina Venter, Manager de proiect la Asociația Cartea Daliei din Cluj și organizatoarea unui eveniment Meet and Code 2018! meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 27.08.2019 Profil de organizator Meet and Code: Emilia Alexe Să o cunoaștem pe doamna Emilia Alexe, profesor la Școala Gimnazială "Înv. Radu Ion" Vadu-Părului și organizatoarea unui eveniment Meet and Code 2018! meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 26.08.2019 Deadline is Coming! Until September 8, nonprofits from 25 European countries may apply for Meet and Code grants. Get 300-500 euro and promote coding and digital skills! #meetandcode #SAP #grants
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Publicat la data de 19.08.2019 Get Some Inspiration! One of the biggest challenges for Meet and Code organisers is to devise a compelling event that interests young people. No worries! We have prepared some inspirations for you! #Inspiration Library
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Publicat la data de 25.07.2019 Profil de organizator Meet and Code: Iulian Virban Să îl cunoaștem pe domnul Iulian Virban, Președintele Asociației Roboclub și organizatorul unui eveniment Meet and Code 2018! meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 01.07.2019 Profil de organizator Meet and Code: Viorel Muscaș Să îl cunoaștem pe domnul Viorel Muscaș, profesor de informatică la Liceul Teoretic “Aurel Lazăr” Oradea și organizatorul a două evenimente Meet and Code 2018! meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 29.06.2019 Profil de organizator Meet and Code: Kabai Timea Să o cunoaștem pe doamna Kabai Timea, profesor de informatică la Colegiul Național "Ioan Slavici" Satu Mare și organizatoarea unui eveniment Meet and Code 2018! meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 27.06.2019 Profil de organizator Meet and Code: Ana Grecu Să o cunoaștem pe doamna Ana Clara Grecu, învățător la Liceul Tehnolgic “Carol I” din Valea Doftanei și organizatorul unui eveniment Meet and Code 2018! meetandcode #codeEU #SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 07.06.2019 România câștigă premiul I, categoria Kick and Code În cadrul ceremoniei de desemnare a câștigătorilor Competiției Meet and Code 2018 organizată în Germania, Asociația Pro Teodor Murășanu din Turda a câștigat premiul I. competitiaMeetandCode2018
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Publicat la data de 06.06.2019 Aplică la Meet and Code 2019! Meet and Code la ediția a treia în România: 27.000 de Euro pentru evenimente de programare și tehnologie organizate de ONG-uri în cadrul Europe Code Week meetandcode codeEU SAP4Good
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Publicat la data de 04.06.2019 Cum a fost Meet and Code 2018 în România Peste 5.000 de ore de programare și descoperire a tehnologiei prin evenimentele Meet and Code 2018 în România meetandcode2018
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Publicat la data de 03.06.2019 Meet and Code 2019: Grant Applications Now Open The initiative will enable young Europeans to take their first steps as digital creators. #pressrelease #June2019
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Publicat la data de 09.03.2019 Winners of the Meet and Code Award 2018! Meet the winners of the Meet and Code Award 2018! Nonprofit representatives of the best Meet and Code events were invited to the SAP HQ in Walldorf for the closing ceremony. award2018 #nonprofits #SAP #Walldorf
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Publicat la data de 06.12.2018 Meet and Code Nominated to Digital Skills Award The Meet and Code initiative is one of the finalists of the European Digital Skills Awards 2018! #digitalskills #education #finalist #EU
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Publicat la data de 30.10.2018 Over 50,000 Participants at Meet and Code 2018 The results of Meet and Code 2018 are impressive: 1,100 events in 513 cities and communities in 22 countries with over 52,000 young people participating. pressrelease #October2018
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