
Year 7 Robotics Club

The Commonweal PTA

Descriere The aim of the after school club is to introduce physical computing through the use of BBC Micro:bits, Make Code software and Kitronik Move Motors (

The club is aimed at Year 7 pupils (11-12 years old) and will be run after school from 3pm - 4pm each week.

Students do not normally get the opportunity to do hands on physical computing and this club will enthuse them to try out their ideas, work collaboratively and learn basic programming skills.

We will also target under represented groups to join this club such as girls and students with SEN and physical impairment.

We will also be able to invite primary feeder schools to bring Year 6 students to the club and our Year 7 club members will be taken to primary schools to run a robotics club for primary school pupils during STEM week.


Vârste participanți 11 - 12

Grad dificultate

Format eveniment Eveniment offline

Dată 10.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00
17.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00
24.09.2024    15:00 - 16:00
01.10.2024    15:00 - 16:00
08.10.2024    15:00 - 16:00
15.10.2024    15:00 - 16:00
24.10.2024    15:00 - 16:00

Adresă The Mall
SN1 4JE Swindon

Numărul max. de participanți 25 Vrei să participi la eveniment? Ia legătura cu reprezentantul acestuia.

Participarea la eveniment este gratuită pentru participanţi.

Contact The Commonweal PTA Website: Mary-Ann Harris
E-mail persoană de contact:

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