
KS3 Computing

George Eliot Academy

Descriere I will be teaching a module on technology in the real world using Micro Bits for year 7 students over 8 weeks in the autumn term. We ran the Code for Climate Change pilot scheme with Sarah from entrust and it was not as impactful as i would have liked due to not having the updated Micro Bits. Sarah advised me to apply for a grant to help with the costs of these.

I shall be using the Micro bits every lesson for 8 weeks, teaching the students what they can do with such a small device. I have a lesson planned that will take us outside once we have programmed them in the computer lab where i will demonstrate the pairing and communication part.

One of the lessons we will be looking at how to program a robot (Which we have) to follow a simple route around the classroom. Will will tie into our work we do in year 8 on AI and robotics. The content of this module of work will be useful throughout the students Computer Science journey. We always look to link different aspects of computing together, to build on the knowledge throughout the years.

Nuneaton has a higher than average PP base, with our school currently having 36% of our students receiving Pupil Premium. Without the support of grants, some of these students would not get the same opportunities as others.

To aid the work i am doing in Computer Science, i am looking to host a programming lunchtime club with Key stage 3 where we will be looking into what programming can do to help out others. A lot of this extra curriculum club will be focused on Micro bits and Raspberry Pi's.


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Dată 16.09.2024    08:30 - 15:30

Adresă raveloe drive
CV11 4QP Nuneaton

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